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Four-City Collab Kicks Off


NDC has been fortunate to provide design services to under-served communities in the region over the last 36 years.  While our work has allowed us to serve the Central Ohio region, Ohio has the unique distinction in that there are four community-based design centers that reach nearly the entire state: The Toledo Design Center (TDC), a nonprofit, advocates for the northwestern region of the state, while the Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative (CUDC) and the Niehoff Studio, university based programs, respectively serve the northeastern and southwestern regions.

The four centers together operate in a niche within their respective areas, utilizing design, planning and engagement as a tool to transform communities through a thoughtful and neighborhood-driven approach. While each region has its own sets of challenges to overcome, there are also lessons to be shared that can strengthen all communities.

With this in mind, the NDC hosted the first (of hopefully many) “Four-City Collab” sessions to bring together the design centers. The gathering gave each center the platform to share their work and experiences, while concurrently allowing the  collective group a chance to explore shared interests and opportunities that impact the entire state. Stay tuned for more on the collaboration!


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