Time and Change: Graduating Interns
The end of the academic year is always a little bittersweet with our senior interns graduating and moving on to new adventures. These weeks of May have been full of affectionate goodbyes and more than a few tears.

We’re going to miss our interns but we’re excited to see what the future holds for them – and they have some exciting plans!
Adeeba Arastu will be in Chicago working on the Ragdale Ring Competition installation with Galo Canizares and a team of OSU students this summer. She is embracing the uncertainty of this time and hopes to use that newfound freedom to move somewhere fresh. She hopes to return to school in a few years’ time.
Vera Betancourt is moving to the beautiful city of Portland this summer. She is interested in sustainable architecture and what better city for it than Portland? She is hoping to go back to school later in life or to get a large house and a 100 cats, only time will tell.
Kyle Clark will be moving on to FMS Architects this summer (notable projects include North Market!). He will be coming back to the Ohio State University in the fall to study for his Masters in Architecture.
Sarah Davis is living the dream at her new job at Howard Stein Hudson Associates in Boston. Sarah hopes to use her degrees in planning and EEDS (environment, economy, development, and sustainability) for truly sustainable urban design.
Sayee Mudholkar is currently hopping around the United States sightseeing. We are jealous of the incredible pictures she’s been posting on her instagram! She is returning to the area to start work using her newly acquired Masters in City and Regional Planning.