NDC Completes Neighborhood Commercial Study
Supported by Campus Partners, the Weinland Park Commercial Study was prompted by the Housing Committee of the Weinland Park Community Civic Association and represented a desire that the neighborhood have a well informed voice in the future commercial development of vacant land and redevelopment of existing structures.
With increasing pressures from a shrinking housing supply in Italian Village, expanding development of student housing close to The Ohio State University, and a rising interest in urban living in general, Weinland Park is becoming more attractive in the conventional real estate market for both residential and commercial opportunities. Rather than simply respond to future development proposals, neighborhood leaders wanted to understand the realities regarding commercial opportunities in Weinland Park and express the priorities and concerns of residents in a proactive manner.

Aerial image of Weinland Park
This document illustrates that residents of Weinland Park have thoughtfully considered the future land uses in their neighborhood and have worked together to solicit the opinions of their neighbors.
The primary goals of this study are threefold:
1. Document existing conditions Part one of this study provides a detailed assessment of the current land ownership and use in the Weinland Park neighborhood. It shows the current use and zoning classifications as well as variances granted. To supplement the understanding of the retail and commercial development, demographic and retail market demand data are offered.
2. Illustrate opportunities for development Part two presents specific sites with significant development or redevelopment potential, along with recommendations and allowable uses for the parcels. Sample site plans are offered to demonstrate that neighbors understand the constraints that developers face, but also maintain high standards for structural integrity and architectural quality, context, and scale in this historic urban neighborhood.
3. Communicate neighborhood ideas and priorities Part three discusses the public engagement process for the study and contains the results of the outreach efforts. Suggestions—both pragmatic and visionary—are offered for specific sites that carry importance for neighbors. Ideally, future development proposals will respond to the public input offered in this study.